Why Register with the Reynolds PTO Online Registration?

By registering, you'll be able to:

  • Complete the PTO Registration
  • Add your information to the PTO Directory
  • Choose your Membership Level and JOIN the PTO
  • Register for Reynolds Family Fun Run
  • Make a RALLY Donation 
  • Shop Spirit Wear 


You can use your login throughout the year to access our online student directory, update your personal information, volunteer for different events and donations, and purchase new/additional Spirit Wear.


When you have completed your registration, please click "Proceed to Checkout" at the bottom of the page. All payments may be made using PayPal.  If you do not have a PayPal account or wish to open a PayPal account, we will also accept cash or check with in-person transactions during PTO events.


If you have any questions about this registration process, please contact the Reynolds PTO Vice- President.  Questions regarding PayPal accounts should be directed to PayPal customer service.


Note: This registration MUST be completed if you wish to have your child appear in the student directory.  You do not have to join the PTO to have your child included in the student directory, but you must join to receive access to the online student directory.  We hope that all Reynolds families will choose to join the PTO as the organization greatly benefits all students.